Renting or Buying an Exhibition Stand

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Renting or Buying an Exhibition Stand

Some companies opt for renting an exhibition stand because it may seem as a much cheaper option to them in the first glance. While there are other companies and organizations that may think buying an exhibition stand from signage companies can be a much cheaper and feasible option to them. Buying or renting an exhibition stand depends on a number of decisions. It depends upon the budget you have, if you want to exhibit in multiple events. So depending upon the scenario, renting or buying depends upon various factors. Take a look at the below reasons to find out:


Renting an exhibition stand can be a good and feasible option when you are a first time exhibitor. This is because participating in an exhibition is in itself a huge decision for a company to make and that’s why renting can be a good alternative. If your motto to participate in an exhibition is only one time or probably if you want to test the response, then it is always feasible to buy an exhibition stand.

Also if your company organizes only one trade show per year, then renting the stand will always be a better option. It is going to be cost-effective for your business. Purchasing a brand new stand can be an expensive choice which is preferred by those organizations who frequently participate in trade shows and those whose business majorly depends on the shows. There can be times when you are exhibiting at 2 different places at the same time. During a scenario like this, it is again better to rent an exhibition stand as purchasing two stands can prove to be very expensive.


If your company frequently participates in events & exhibitions, then buying a stand is always a preferred option and recurring and constant costs of rent are saved. You need to make a clear strategy of the number of times you are going to participate in an exhibition and accordingly decide. If you own an exhibition stand you have the freedom and liberty to exhibit in an exhibition whenever you want. This is because organizing for a stand in the last moment is eliminated, thus decreasing stress.

You can also save upon installation charges as once you have your own stand you can assemble the stand on your own as you get used to it. Buying an exhibition stand might sound as a cost effective option at first but the reality is that after buying the stand you can use it whenever you want it the cost can easily be covered after you participate in a few exhibitions that generate good sale for your business.

Buying or renting an exhibition stand can always be a tough decision to make. Keep these factors in mind before you make a wise decision. Also it is always recommended to rely on a company whose services are reliable and genuine. Exhibition stand builders in Dubai can help you find a good exhibition stand.

By | 2018-05-08T08:58:16+00:00 May 4th, 2018|Exhibition Stand, Signage|0 Comments

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